Hefty Goat Holler Farm Vixen
December 24, 2018
Generation - 4th
Small but Mighty
Vixen is the last daughter out of my first Kinder doe, Rusty Lane Farm Aubrey. Along with Noel, Vixen was my pick of the crop. I lost Aubrey to listeriosis when Vixen and her brother were just 6 weeks old. They refused all bottles and even a nurse doe. I suspect the early weaning stunted Vixen's growth because she is significantly smaller than either of her parents and by far the smallest adult doe I own. Despite that, she is incredibly efficient and low maintenance!
Vixen seriously impressed me as a first freshener, kidding easily with a 6lb single buckling then raising that meaty single buckling - he weighed over 40lb at 80 days old, with an average daily gain of .44lb. Her twin doelings her second freshening also gained well and are promising young Kinders - one went to live with a friend and long-time Kinder breeder and won GC Jr at the Missouri State Fair in 2022!
Vixen, like her late dam, is more refined but her udder is such an improvement over Aubrey's in terms of attachments and teats. Vixen milks out easily - love the teat size and shape. She has arguably the best lateral udder attachments in the herd and a smooth foreudder. Vixen is proof a doe doesn't have to be huge to raise growthy kids and that an udder can be improved tremendously in a single generation.
2024 - Buyers often overlook Vixen because she's small, but she's one of the hardiest and most consistent does I've owned. 2024 was no exception! Very low maintenance and no fuss and raised quality buck/doe twins.
Udder photos from her first freshening nursing a single buckling. About 12 hour fill.
Vixen's third freshening udder. One of my favorite Kinder udders! She's a little crouched because she was nervous on the stand, so she's standing narrower than she actually is.